General FAQs
Yes. TeamSnap websites work great on mobile devices.
Yes. To learn about converting your domain over to our sites, click here.
No. Since switching over your domain requires access to your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain), TeamSnap is not able to switch it for you.
However, we provide all customers with information on how to switch it over.
No. TeamSnap vets each plugin that we make available for activation on your site for security, reliability, and level of maintenance from the plugin developer.
To view a list of all our available plugins, click here.
No. Since you own your domain, you will need to reach out to your domain registrar.
Site templates cannot be changed.
If a new template is required, a new site will have to be created.
The old template site will be deleted and you will lose access to any data. The new template site will NOT have your data copied over.
Conversion FAQs
Plugins within your site cannot be guaranteed to convert over. Our team will do their best to find a corresponding plugin within our platform.
If you want a different homepage design, you will need to purchase either a WeBuild or WeDesign package in addition to your WeConvert package.
Our team will not import any schedules or team information with a conversion package. Our team will be able to convert all other pages on your site that does not contain team information.
Additionally, registration forms will need to be created in the TeamSnap app and then a link will be added to your public site.
The TeamSnap app and the public site are two separate platforms.